Welcome to My Journey: The Dangerous Gentleman

My life wasn’t always what it is now. In fact, a few years ago, it was the complete opposite. At one point, I was living in my car, battling drug and alcohol addiction, and struggling to find my way. I was broke, selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door, and had lost nearly everything important to me—my kids, my wife, my sense of self. My life was a complete wreck, a train off its tracks.

But that’s not where my story ends. It’s where it begins.

In 2017, I moved to Yakima with nothing but two suitcases and a backpack. I had hit rock bottom, but I wasn’t going to stay there. Over the next few years, I made a commitment to rebuild my life, and that’s exactly what I did. It wasn’t easy, and it wasn’t quick. But through hard work, discipline, and consistency, I transformed from someone who was dependent on others and stuck in a cycle of blame, to a man who takes full responsibility for his life.

Am I perfect? No, far from it. But I’ve come a long way, and that’s what matters. One of my favorite sayings is that your past gets you to where you are, but it doesn’t determine where you go from here. I’ve proven that to be true. I’m not focused solely on how far I have left to go; I also take the time to recognize how far I’ve come.

For example, when I first started my fitness journey in 2018, I couldn’t even do one pull-up. It felt impossible. But today, I can do 10. That’s what happens when you put in the work and stay consistent. You can achieve things you never thought were possible.

So, where does the "Dangerous Gentleman" come into play?

It started a couple of years ago during a Zoom call with a group of men who, like me, were committed to improving themselves physically, mentally, and spiritually. One of the guys, Steven Lecuyer, noticed that I was involved in a lot of different areas—leadership in my church, active in the gym, working in my community, and even engaged in local politics. After hearing everything I was up to, Steven said, “I’m going to start calling you the Dangerous Gentleman.”

At first, I wasn’t sure about the name. I’d never thought of myself as dangerous. Growing up, I was passive, often sitting back while others took the lead. But over the years, something shifted. I started stepping up in areas where leadership was needed. I began pushing people around me to improve—at the gym, at church, in the community. I wasn’t waiting for others to act anymore. I was stepping forward, and that’s what made me “dangerous.”

But the "gentleman" part is equally important. I grew up learning how to ballroom dance—waltz and foxtrot. It’s not something most people know about me, but it’s a part of who I am. I’ve always had old-school values—treating people with respect, opening doors, and carrying myself with a certain level of care. So, while I’m dangerous in my ability to challenge people and systems, I balance that with the grace and respect of a gentleman.

Being the Dangerous Gentleman isn’t about just one thing. It’s a mindset that comes from years of hard work and dedication to becoming better—physically, mentally, and spiritually. It’s not just about me, though. It’s about helping others realize that they too can make radical changes in their lives. I believe that anyone can transform themselves if they put in the work. I’m living proof of that.

There’s no shortcut, no magic pill. My journey wasn’t easy, but that’s exactly what made it worthwhile. The blood, sweat, tears, and sleepless nights have shaped me into who I am today, and I wouldn’t trade those lessons for anything. They are hard-earned, and they ensure that I will never go back to who I once was.

And here’s the key takeaway: If I can do this, you can too. There’s nothing special about me. I didn’t have any hidden talent or advantage that helped me transform. It was a series of decisions—day after day, small steps that added up over time. Anyone is capable of making sacrifices, pushing through pain, and coming out stronger on the other side.

My goal now is to share what I’ve learned with others. I call it my transformation system, a simple, practical approach to achieving real change. It’s not easy, but it’s possible. If I can transform my life, so can you.

I am the Dangerous Gentleman. I’m here to lead, challenge, and encourage you to reach your full potential—just as I did for myself.

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The Dangerous Gentleman